Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy for

This is our website privacy policy that accessible some of the useful information our main priority towards is. This Privacy Policy document contains types of information that is collected and recorded by and how we use it.

If you would villing to acquire more information about our website then please do not be ashamed of asking such information Privacy Policy does not apply to other advertisers or websites. Thus, we are advising you to consult the respective Privacy Policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information. It may include their practices and instructions about how to opt-out of certain options

What information we collect?

We collect some personal type of the information from through which you can book your flight only that type of information we require.




Date of Birth

Resident Address

Email and Mobile Number

Credit Card Details

We does not share any type of your personal information; we do take your privacy as the main concern.

Log File

Using log files is common procedure for site. When people browse websites, these files record their visits. This is a common practice among hosting firms and is a component of their analytics. Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser types, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), date and time stamps, referring/exit pages, and maybe click counts are among the data gathered by log files. These are not connected to any personally identifiable information. The data is gathered with the intention of analyzing patterns, managing the website, monitoring user behavior, and compiling demographic data.

Cookie Policy

This is the cookie policy that governs our website, outlining the conditions under which it is used. These cookies are used to keep data about visitors, such as their preferences and the pages they view or access on the website. By tailoring the content of our website to the visitors' browser type and/or other information, we can maximize their experience.

Third –Party Integrators

Some of the hyperlinks on are inversely connected to our website and represent content from other websites; however, we disclaim all liability for any negative effects that may arise from using these hyperlinks. Please exercise caution when using any of the hyperlinks that were put on our website. Links like those are unsafe; they may unintentionally retrieve your info when optimizing. We, at Airxplor, shall have no further liability in the event of any data loss. Technologies including cookies, JavaScript, and Web Beacons are utilized by third-party ad servers and ad networks in their adverts and links that appear Airxplor and are transmitted straight to users' browsers. When this happens, they automatically get your IP address. These technologies are employed to assess the success of their marketing initiatives and/or to provide.

Children’s information

Children under the age of thirteen are not intentionally the subjects of any Personal Identifiable Information collection by Airxplor. Com. We strongly advise you to get in touch with us right away if you believe your child submitted this kind of information on our website. We will work hard to delete any such material from our systems as soon as possible.